Congress must work harder to make second-round PPP available to small business owners

Small Business Majority
1 min readSep 30, 2020

This letter is in response to Congress continuing to stall on additional relief for small businesses.

Dear Editor,

Just because Congress is stalling, doesn’t mean small businesses are getting a break from crippling decreases in revenue. It’s time Congress starts taking its job to protect our economy more seriously.

MK Partners employs 21 people and while we received a PPP loan, the formula to determine how much we got didn’t take into account our new hires and raises people received at the end of 2019. The loan didn’t even cover 10 weeks of payroll. For businesses that did receive loans, funds are running dry and we need renewed support from our elected officials.

It is clear that PPP was flawed, and now it’s time for Congress to learn from their mistakes and offer second-round loans to businesses that can be a sustainable resource for recovery in the wake of COVID-19.

-Matt Kaufman, Chief Technology Officer, MK Partners in North Hollywood, CA



Small Business Majority

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